Extraordinary Ones plays like every other MOBA out there, in an anime school setting reminiscent of My Hero Academia. The theme is kept to the map, where you’d see animated stationery instead of, say, dragons. Likewise with MOBAs, there are certain strategies and tips you can pick up to become a better player, and contribute more to your team. You’re all in the match together. If you’re an old player wanting to get back in, or a new player unsure of what to do, check out this guide!
Everyone starts out as a newbie. You should find either a character you like, or a role you prefer playing in. Once you’ve found a character, practice playing with them as much as you can. It can be tempting to swap around characters, but try not to juggle too many things at once. Find your niche in the role you’ve chosen. As you master your character/role, you’d be able to understand your opponent who’s in your position and be able to counter them better.
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Look at all these colourful characters for you to play!
There are a variety of roles in Extraordinary Ones. They are:
TankAD (Attack Damage / Fighter)ASN (Assassin)AP (Ability Power / Mages)ADC (Attack Damage Carry)SUP (Support)
As you might expect, the Tanks are the ones who take the hits and have high health and defense. AD characters generally specialize in close range combat. ASN are the ones with high attack and attack speed, designed to quickly take out an enemy. AP characters use their abilities to deal magical damage rather than normal attacks. ADCs possess high attack damage, but usually take time to ramp up. SUP is pretty self-explanatory, with a focus on buffing or healing teammates.
Characters can be broken down further into subcategories, with specialties based on their kits.
PokeDeal damage from a distanceDashAble to move quickly from point to pointReapFinisher abilities on low health enemiesFirst StrikeFight initiatorsGroup BuffSkills that support team membersCrowd ControlStuns or slows that inhibit enemy movementsRestoreRestoring health or manaCounterDealing damage back to an enemy on hit
Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork
While knowing your role is important, knowing your teammates is too. This can be difficult to achieve when you queue into random teams, but when possible, do assist them. Support can be an unpopular role for most to play, but a buff here and a heal there can change the tide of battle. Don’t sell yourselves short, supports!
The best case scenario is to play with people you already know. It makes for easier role distribution, and you’d be able to communicate more effectively. Otherwise, you can use communication pings on the right side of the screen, or use the in-game chat.
Push with your teammates! You could carry your team, but a 5 on 1 won’t be fun for you.
Objective-based gaming

This is your tower. Try and keep it alive!
Kills on the enemy heroes can be extremely satisfying, but the game ain’t over until the Principal’s Office goes down. Keep your eyes on the prize and prioritize the towers. Don’t get distracted by the enemies and don’t dive too deep. Remember the buildings, and you’ll have victory closer at hand. If you destroy the last tower in a lane, it also upgrades the creeps in that lane to Mega versions. Don’t underestimate chip damage from the little guys!
Jungle Creeps

Say hi to the Librarian!
There are two coloured creeps: blue, and red. Blue will be team-side top lane, while red is team-side bottom. All creeps provide EXP and gold. The Librarian on the Blue side will give the hero who kills it a blue dragon for a minute, passively giving 2% SP regeneration per second and attacks a target enemy hero. Killing the Weightlifter will give a red dragon instead, that attacks target enemies along with a 5-second spell that slows enemy heroes.
You’ll also find a Chest Creep that respawns every 2 minutes on kill. It’ll give a Chest skill to the killing hero. Mr Toad spawns 2 minutes after the game starts, then respawns every 2 minutes on kill. It converts Mr Toad to fight for you to attack enemy team towers.
The Big Boss (or Giant Cat) spawns 8 minutes after the game starts, then respawns 3 minutes after being killed. Teammates will get a Quick Portal Chest skill that lets you teleport back to base in 2 seconds. Big Boss will also appear at the base where someone can mount him, granting them his abilities for 100 seconds. If you don’t mount him within a minute, you will lose control of him. Killing Big Boss also upgrades lane creeps to Mega creeps for the duration you control him.
Chest skills
Now that you have a chest skill, what can you do with it? Well, see our recommended uses for the ones you get!
WHAT: Quick Portal – teleports to base in 2 seconds
WHEN TO USE: Need a quick escape from diving too far into the enemy base? Need to rush back into lane? Team killed the Big Boss and you want to control it? Dip into the balloons and get back to base! Heal up and get right back into the fray!
WHAT: Farsight – spawns a ward or sentry at your location. Sees any enemy that passes near it, and is also visible to them to attack and destroy. Lasts 120 seconds.
WHEN TO USE: Drop it into the balloons to scout the enemy movement. If they notice it and destroy it, by then you should already be aware of them trying to hide their movements. Place it in the jungle to watch for ganks or to be aware of the enemy jungler.
WHAT: Heal – a buff that restores 30% max HP in 30 seconds.
WHEN TO USE: If you’re full up on mana but have taken many hits, then back off and heal up.
WHAT: Reinforcements from Above – Parachutes a Mega Melee creep at your location. Automatically attacks nearby enemies.
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WHEN TO USE: If a tower is almost dead, then drop this sucker down and destroy the structure from the safety of the creep.
WHAT: Curse – Reduces enemy hero Move Speed by 25% for 2.5 seconds and reduces their damage by 30%.
WHEN TO USE: Chase down a weakened ADC and kill them. Otherwise, especially if you’re playing an Assassin, you can use this to score yourself a kill. Use this in a teamfight to give your teammates a good target.
WHAT: Best Chip Ever – Adds 120 ATK points and 150 SP points. Lasts 10 seconds.
WHEN TO USE: Use it in a teamfight and beat down your opponents! Would likely see best use on an ADC.
WHAT: Scouting Thunder – Release a fast-moving bird in your chosen direction to reveal any unit it passes through.
WHEN TO USE: When you don’t know where any of the enemies are, and you’re suspecting a gank, send this out and be alert!
WHAT: Coolant – Reduces cooldown of skills by half.
WHEN TO USE: Now this would be an absolute monster on AP heroes to let them spam their damage spells! If you’re playing an amazing buffer, you could also use this to really give your teammates that extra boost. Otherwise, ADCs can also use this to deal massive damage!
WHAT: Naughty Bomb – Throws bomb at a location that knocks backs enemies on hit.
WHEN TO USE: Found yourself in a bad situation and want to escape? Maybe you just want to cut off a hero from running away? Toss this to help!
WHAT: Angel – Heals hero and nearby ally with lowest HP for 10% of max HP.
WHEN TO USE: Would be amazing if you’re a buffer/healer to rescue a teammate. You can also use this in a team fight to help an ally survive and maybe turn the fight around!
WHAT: First Aid – Quickly restores HP and Mana to hero. Can be interrupted by enemies.
WHEN TO USE: If you have this, then use it to avoid going back to the fountain! Just hide in the balloons for a little while to ensure you won’t get interrupted while you heal up.
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If you need a refresher, you can always practice.
That’s the basics! You can always hop in to practice mode to play around with heroes, and complete tutorial missions to get rewards. Jump in and get fighting!